Love, Death and Robots – Picture: Netflix
Volume 3 of Love, Death and Robots is now on Netflix and given their short episode runtimes, the chances are you’re already chomping at the bit for more of the show. While its future remains unclear, Netflix has some hidden gems (whether that be movies or shows) among its library that should appeal to any fans of the show.
For those of you who don’t know, Love, Death and Robots is the Netflix animation series created by Tim Miller that sees different animation studios from around the globe tell interesting short-form stories in an anthology format.
As of May 2022, there are now three volumes available with the show being one of the most decorated Netflix shows too with 11 Primetime Emmy Awards since its debut in 2019.
But what if you’re done and waiting for more? Here’s how to fill some of the time:
Black Mirror
Surprised this is at the top of our recommendations list? Didn’t think so.
The anthology tech series is a Netflix worldwide phenomenon with each episode kicking off with a brand new concept that often involves technology going awry whether that’s with outlandish concepts or concepts which remarkably come true.
There are five seasons of the show but we’d recommend binging slowly if you’re new to Black Mirror. The show is truly enjoyed slowly with plenty of content even beyond the credits with each episode leaving you scratching your head and no doubt sending you down Google rabbit holes for answers and deeper meaning.
The good news is that more episodes are seemingly on the way with a season 6 now in development following several years of stalemate between Netflix and the owners of the IP.
Code 8
A strange suggestion this one but bear with me.
Code 8 began its life as an experimental YouTube short film released in 2016. The 10-minute-long video enticed enough people to then subsequently get itself funded for a feature-length movie (which later hit Netflix) which then did well enough to warrant a sequel coming exclusively to Netflix.
Given its humble beginnings as a nugget of an idea that eventually was expanded, we feel it could lead the groundwork (albeit with a different starting point) for a Love, Death, and Robots episode hopefully getting expanded with a feature film in the future.
Code 8 is also pretty good and streaming on Netflix globally.
The House
One of the criminally underrated movies added to Netflix so far in 2022 is The House, a stop-motion anthology movie that you’ve almost certainly never heard of.
Here’s what you can expect if you haven’t checked it out as of now:
“Across different eras, a poor family, an anxious developer and a fed-up landlady become tied to the same mysterious house in this animated dark comedy.”
It employs beautiful animation techniques and styles in a neat package which just like Love, Death and Robots will leave you with plenty of questions once the credits roll. You’ll get to see animators at the top of their game which is precisely what Love, Death and Robots lets you see too.
Alien Worlds
This documentary series seeks to answer what might be living beyond our own planet and solar system by animating concepts of far-away planets and creatures.
As a documentary, it splits its time between talking to astronauts, astrobiologists, planetary physicists, ecologists and other experts to try and predict what’s beyond.
As a result, the docu-series features some truly remarkable animation concepts (particularly when it comes to the creatures) so if you love some of the space episodes of Love, Death and Robots, there might be something for you here.
Oats Studio
As experimental anthology series go, there’s nothing out there quite like Oats Studio.
Headed up by Neill Blomkamp, these short films put his numerous years in the director’s chair to good use that “envision post-apocalyptic worlds and nightmarish scenarios”.
The episodes range from 4 minutes all the way up to 26 minutes. While they’re not all home runs, these are a must-watch for fans of Love, Death and Robots.
Given David Fincher’s involvement in the show as executive producer and even director as of Volume 3, we had to sneak a Fincher recommendation in this list.
We could’ve gone with any of Fincher’s superb movie back catalog but frankly, Mindhunter is where it’s at. The show frequently tops lists of the best TV shows and there’s a reason for it, it’s expertly crafted and a joy to watch from start to finish. While its future remains up in the air, we’d still thoroughly recommend watching if you haven’t already.
Finally, we’d suggest (for the same reasons we suggested Mindhunter) to check out Kung Fu Panda 2 and 3 because they’re directed by the supervising director of volumes 2 and 3. They regularly come and go from Netflix but aren’t currently available at least in the US.
Do you have any recommendations of what to watch if you love Love, Death, and Robots? Let us know in the comments down below.