Series like ‘Daredevil’ that are Streaming on Netflix

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Daredevil Alternatives

You’ve finished season 1 of Daredevil and you find out that you’re going to have to wait another whole year before season 2 comes out. You start sweating, you start fidgeting, where is that next fix going to come from? Well calm down, What’s on Netflix is here to save the day and help you find your next binge watch based on your overly obsessed obsession with the crime-fighting Daredevil. All of these picks are high-octane, filled with super powers and most importantly, worth your time.

Here’s four of our picks to help tide you over until season 2 of Daredevil lands in 2016.

1. Heroes


Heroes hit a lot of peaks and troughs, but when it was good, it was so very good. Telling the stories of many of special people with abilities and their coming together. It has one of TV’s greatest villains ever to be seen on a TV series and really shows how NBC was on the top of its game when it came to blockbuster TV series. There’s also good reason to get involved with the Heroes universe now as the reboot, titled reborn, coming back very soon.

2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Agents Of Shield Daredevil Alt

The Marvel web of stories expands even further with Agents of SHIELD as it takes the organisation that was introduced throughout the Avengers origin movies. Agent Coulson is the big boss at SHIELD and recruits new agents to join the organisation to face the threats which aren’t quite high level enough for the Avengers. ABC took this series and ran with it and it looks to be paying off with fans and critics both singing its praises. What’s even better is that season 2 just landed on Netflix and season 3 is in production. Bonus.

3. Arrow

Arrow Netflix Daredevil Alternative

Keeping with the comic book action heroes is Arrow. When it was announced The CW would be producing superhero TV series everyone was a little skeptical, especially given it was a relatively new concept in the first place. What actually happened is that fans were blown away with the attention to detail from the original source and the love, care and attention that went into producing it. It shares many similarities with Daredevil, one it’s stealth driven which is one of Daredevils greatest attributes and the lore hidden in the series is a fan’s wet dream.

4. Supernatural

Supernatural Daredevil Alternative

Finally today, we’re going to recommend Supernatural. It’s a bit of a contrast with Daredevil but does share some key similarities with Daredevil. Firstly, the bad guys are extremely well-developed, much like Kingpin. Secondly its action sequences are commendable and thirdly it’s a series you can binge through fairly easily. Following two brothers, Supernatural takes you on the adventures of hunting down evil, supernatural beings.