What To Watch on Netflix - Page 28

Best Nature Documentaries On Netflix

Best Nature Documentaries on Netflix in 2019

If you love documentaries, Netflix is a treasure chest with hundreds of titles available. But among their best are their nature docuseries and documentaries. Here’s a look at the best nature documentaries streaming on Netflix...

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Best Period Dramas Added To Netflix In

Best Period Dramas Added to Netflix in 2018

Picking out the best period dramas on Netflix and that’s why we’ve enlisted the help of the head of Willow and Thatch, a dedicated period drama fansite to pick out the best five.  Asking a...

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Traveler Core Team

Jacob’s Top Netflix Additions of 2018

It’s surreal to think 2018 is almost already over. After what feels like someone has pushed the fast forward button for the past 12 months it’s pretty incredible to think the amount of content Netflix...

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Haunting Of Hill House Season One Review

Cheryl’s Top Netflix Additions of 2018

Happy holidays, Netflixers! This year, we’re starting a new tradition by going through the past year and each writer is picking out their personal favorites from the new titles added in 2018. We all have...

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Kasey Top Netflix Titles Of

Kasey’s Top Netflix Additions of 2018

This year, we’re starting a new tradition by going through the past year and picking out our personal favorites from all the new titles added in 2018. Of course, we’ve missed out a bunch of...

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Netflix Spanis Tv Series

Best Spanish Language TV Series On Netflix

As we are well aware, Spanish is the second most widely spoken language on planet Earth. The creation of entertainment media hasn’t really followed this in the past; which is shame. Recently, however, Netflix has...

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