New K-Dramas on Netflix: November 2019

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New K Dramas On Netflix November

With some fantastic new additions on Netflix this month, there’s plenty of new K-Dramas to sink your teeth into, and dozens of hours of binge-worthy content to be enjoyed. Here’s all the new K-Dramas on Netflix, November 2019.

Here’s the latest K-Dramas on Netflix:

Busted N

Seasons: 2
Episodes: 20
Genre: Comedy, Variety | Added to Netflix: November 8th, 2019

Featuring some of the biggest names in K-Pop and in K-Drama, Busted features “seven super sleuths” that tackles a different mystery each episode as they get closer to solving the biggest mystery of all: what happened to Project D?

Chief of Staff N

Seasons: 2
Episodes: 13 (Total of 20 when all episodes have aired)
Genre: Drama | Added to Netflix: November 12th, 2019

An incredibly popular series, Chief of Staff could be compared as the South Korean adaptation of House of Cards. With a similarly sinister plot of political ambition, backstabbing and more, Chief of Staff is an excellent series that deserves a watch.

Deciding that his work as a detective isn’t enough, Jang Tae-Joon sought more power and joined the National Assembly. Rising through the ranks, Tae Joon is the chief aide to a 4-time lawmaker. Seeking even higher ambition, Tae-Joon is determined to rise to the top of the ranks and will climb over anyone, allies and political enemies alike to get there.


Seasons: 1
Episodes: 20
Genre: Drama | Added to Netflix: November 15th, 2019

If you ever wondered how the “other half live” in Korea, Inheritors or Heirs is the perfect series for you.

Heir to the empire group, Kim Tan was sent to study abroad in the US. While Tan studies abroad, and out of sight, his half brother is scheming to take over the family business. During his studies, Tan meets Cha Eun Sung, who has gone searching for her older sister. As he begins to fall in love with her, Tan is torn between love and duty as his arranged fiancee Rachel Yoo arrived to bring him back home to Korea.

My Sassy Girl

Seasons: 1
Episodes: 32
Genre: Comedy, Romance | Added to Netflix: November 15th, 2019

At 32 episodes, and sixty minutes per each one, that’s thirty-two hours of binging a K-Drama to be enjoyed!

During the Joseon Dynasty, a story is told about a young cold city scholar, known throughout the land as “Joseon’s National Treasure” and the princess Hye Myung.

Tune in for Love (2019) N

Runtime: 122 Minutes
Genre: Drama, Romance

A beautiful tale of love lost and found, Tune in for Love is one of the best new K-Dramas on Netflix in a while.

Meeting for the first time at a bakery during the 1997 IMF crisis, a young student and teen fall in love but fate keeps pulling them apart as they find and lose themselves over the years.

What’s your favorite new K-Drama on Netflix? Will you be watching any of the K-Dramas above? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jacob joined What's on Netflix in 2018 as a fulltime writer having worked in numerous other industries until that point. Jacob covers all things Netflix whether that's TV or movies but specializes in covering new anime and K-dramas. Resides in Norwich in the United Kingdom.