The Office Valentine’s Day – The Office – Picture by NBC
Happy Valentine’s Day and if you plan spending the special day with Dunder Mifflin rewatching The Office (alone or with a spouse), then here’s your guide on how to stream every single valentine’s day special from the show on Netflix.
Sitcoms are great at creating holiday-themed episodes but in particular NBC shows. The Office was fantastic and bringing each festive occasion to the office in Scranton. We’ve also compiled a list of the Christmas episodes of The Office here too.
Looking for just the highlights? Last year, NBC compiled every highlight from each of Valentine’s day specials. Remember, this will be your last chance to catch these episodes on Netflix for Valentine’s day as the series is due to depart Netflix (at least in the US) in January 2021.
We’re going to include more than just the Valentine’s specials instead picking any episode where love is in the air or particularly romantic.
Hot Girl (Season 1 – Episode 6)
Season 1 didn’t really have a valentine’s day episode but this one is by far the closest to what could be considered as one. Katie, a handbag sales rep comes to the office of Dunder Mifflin to sell her wares.
It’s down to Michael, Jim, and Dwight to see if they can strike up a romantic connection with her before the day comes to a close. It should come to no surprise that neither Michael or Dwight was successful with the endeavor.
Valentine’s Day (Season 2 – Episode 16)
The first official Valentine’s episode came in the latter stages of season 2. Michael and Dwight head out to New York whereas the remainder of The Office celebrates in their traditional manner by handing out small gifts.
Phyliss gets lots of presents whereas Pam is left high and dry by Roy.
This is also the episode where Ryan and Kelly first hook up on February 13th.
Casino Night (Season 2 – Episode 22)
Again, not Casino Night isn’t a Valentine’s episode per say but was the first real-time that Jim confessed his love for Pam at the companies Casino Night hosted by Michael in the warehouse.
The episode rounds out season 2 and given The Office wasn’t known for its season finale, this is one to remember.
Chair Model (Season 4 – Episode 10)
Michael is at the lowest point in his search for love. He becomes hooked on the idea of dating a chair model before the dream is dashed. This leads to Michael asking for everyone in The Office to give him potential people to date.
We then have the hilarious encounter with Pam’s landlady (or soon to be ex-girlfriend) who has a date with Michael at a local coffee shop.
Blood Drive (Season 5 – Episode 16)
There wasn’t much change for Michael’s love life between seasons 4 & 5. This episode begins with good intentions though, with Michael meeting someone while giving blood. After a brief few moments of being unconscious, he awakens to find she’s gone. The rest of the episode he spends waiting for her to turn up.
Elsewhere, Jim, Pam, Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration and Phyliss go for a boozy dinner.
Niagara – Parts 1 & 2 (Season 6 – Episode 4 & 5)
Jim & Pam’s wedding was always going to be a special affair for the show and these two episodes prove the show’s greatness.
Everyone makes their way up to Niagra Falls for the wedding of the shows two sweethearts.
PDA (Season 7 – Episode 15)
Michael and Holly’s relationship has blossomed since the events earlier in the season but they’ve become a bit too attached in the office. They’re subsequently banned from touching each other.
Elsewhere, Andy is helping Erin solve the riddles set by Gabe.
Garage Sale (Season 7 – Episode 18)
This episode defines the term bittersweet. After all, we finally Michael to pop the question to Holly but also that he announced to the team that he’d be departing them to live in Colorado.
Couples Discount (Season 9 – Episode 15)
This was the official Valentine’s day episode for season 9 and therefore the final valentine’s of the shows life.
Andy returns from his boat trip to the disgust of both his co-workers and his girlfriend but the majority of the episode is about most of the couples heading to the nail salon to get discounts.
Finale (Season 9 – Episode 23)
So far, we’ve covered the weddings of both Phyliss and Pam and Jims but the series concluded with the wedding between Angela and Dwight.
The end episode wasn’t particularly romantic but if your goal is to be sobbing in your partner’s arm this evening, this is the episode to do just that.
It’s worth noting at this point, that Netflix in the United Kingdom doesn’t currently carry the NBC show anymore. Instead, you’ll need to grab a subscription to Amazon Prime to enjoy the show but you can still use this guide as the episode numbers are exactly the same.
What episodes will you be watching tonight?