What’s on Netflix provides multiple ways of keeping up with our updates but if you decide you’d prefer to no longer receive our updates, then here’s how to unsubscribe.
Push Notifications
Our push notifications uses your web browser to deliver them. To unsubscribe you’ll have to block all future push notifications from us. Depending on your device and browser this will differ. We’ve listed a few of the most common devices below.
In Chrome on Desktop
Option 1
1. Click the three dots in the top right hand corner of your browser. 2. Click on the settings button located at the bottom
3. Scroll down the settings page and click the advanced button. 4. Then click on the Content Settings within the Privacy and Security Options. 5. Click on the Notifications tab
6. Scroll until you find What’s on Netflix and then click the three buttons. Then click remove. Then you’re all done!
Option 2
<img title="Block Notifications Chrome" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-277324" src="https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/block-notifications-chrome-2.png" alt="Block Notifications Chrome" width="734" height="336" /
On Mobile
Dependant on your device, you’ll need to click the options cog on the notification or hard press the notification to access settings to block the notifications.