Why You Should Be Watching ‘Daredevil’ Season Three

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Daredevil Season Three Whyyoushould Be Watching

The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen returned for season three last Friday. While the reception of his return has been incredibly positive so far, there are still some fans out there that are undecided. Let us tell you why you should be watching season three of Daredevil and revisit the current state of the MTVU.

It’s safe to say it’s been a rough couple of weeks for the Marvel Netflix shows with the cancellations of both Luke Cage and Iron Fist. While the future of Marvel on Netflix may look rocky at the moment, there are still some positives to be had. That comes in the form of Daredevil season three.

Daredevil Season One, Daredevil Season Two, and The Defenders Recap

Wilson Fisk had made a move on the underdeveloped areas of New York in his attempt to expand his growing empire. Committing atrocious crimes while carrying out these plans, he drew the attention of Matt Murdock. It was as a lawyer and with help from his friend Foggy Nelson that Matt was able to send Kingpin to jail. While it took Daredevil to incapacitate him it was the Matt Murdock the lawyer that sent him down.

After Wilson Fisk was jailed, a new adversary was brought to the attention of Daredevil: Frank ‘The Punisher’ Castle. While not a villain in the traditional sense, Frank Castle’s beliefs of putting down mobsters instead of jailing them clashed with that of Daredevil. It was soon after his confrontation with The Punisher that Matt was reunited with his former flame Elektra Natchios. Elektra was a bad influence on Matt as a person, but he was able to hold onto his beliefs in his battle with Elektra against The Hand (an order of evil mystical ninjas who are heavily involved in organized crime and mercenary activities such as assassination plots). Unfortunately, this resulted in the death of Elektra (or so it seemed).

Daredevil teamed up Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist to take down the remaining leadership of The Hand and the newly resurrected Elektra. What resulted was a final confrontation between the two lovers, seeing the death of Elektra and what we also thought was the death of Matt Murdock.

Daredevil Season Three Whyyoushould Be Watching Defenders

‘The Defenders.’ Copyright Netflix and Disney

Why you should be watching Daredevil Season Three

By now it will be clear to most that Daredevil is the flagship show for the Marvel/Netflix TV universe. Across all seasons, including that of the Defenders, the character of Daredevil has been the most compelling and entertaining to watch.

The Return of the Kingpin

Vincent D’Onofrio’s portrayal of the Kingpin is not only the best version of the Kingpin to date, but also one the best TV show villains of all time. While he was absent for the majority of season two, his return to form in season three has been magnificent. Cold and calculating, his scheming knows no end. Just when you think the heroes are finally able to get that one up on Wilson Fisk…boom. He was already three steps ahead.

A Darker Daredevil

Character development is what we want whenever we find ourselves watching any TV show. Our feelings and attachments to the characters are established when our characters evolve on screen. Over the course of four seasons, we’ve been treated to the character of Matt Murdock. His very faith has been rocked, his core beliefs have been shaken, he has gained new friendships and lost old ones, not to mention he had supposedly died (which we now know to not be true).

Yes, over the course of those seasons we have seen the character go through much pain and anguish. While there have been many dark lows there have been highs, too. Unfortunately, the lows are what drives Matt to his new bleak way of thinking and the return of the Kingpin sends him over the edge.

A New Villain


You can’t have a series about Daredevil without Bullseye making an appearance, right? Well *SPOILER ALERT* Bullseye is in this series, but not in the traditional way he’s been presented to us in the past in the Fox version of Daredevil and the comics. Wilson Bethel’s portrays one of Daredevil’s most hated foes with more of a psychological angle rather than a man who straight up loves to kill. We won’t go too far into spoiler territory here but this take on Bullseye was refreshing and surprising. Simply expected as an assassin for hire like he usually is presented, this wasn’t the case this time around.

The very fate of the Marvel TV Universe may depend on it

Even if you don’t realize it, viewing figures carry an enormous amount of weight. If a show with a high cost of production doesn’t garner the number of viewers it needs, it’s simple to see why any studio would have reservations about continuing to produce a show with low viewership. No matter how a loyal a fanbase, if it’s too small then it is too small and all Marvel and Netflix will see is an indication that the show does not warrant the amount of money spent on it. If any fans have lost faith in the quality of the show without watching it due to the track records of other titles then this could damage the franchise permanently. Make sure to get out there and watch Daredevil season three!

Are you watching season three of Daredevil? Let us know in the comments below!