When Will ‘Rick and Morty’ Season 4B be on Netflix UK?

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When Will Rick And Morty Season B Be On Netflix

It felt like an age of waiting for many, but finally, we saw the fourth season of Rick and Morty arrive on Netflix UK. Sadly, it was only the first half that fans have been able to enjoy. So where is season 4B? And, when is it coming to Netflix UK? Let’s find out.

Rick and Morty is one of the most popular adult-animated comedies on the planet, with a huge, and fiercely loyal fan base. Much of the credit for the rise in the series worldwide popularity can be attributed to Netflix, who licensed the series to many regions across the globe.

The UK, in particular, benefited from this, and for a long time, Netflix was the only home for Rick and Morty. That all changed post-season three when it was announced that Channel 4 had acquired the Adult Swim library, which included the TV broadcast rights of Rick and Morty.

When will Rick and Morty season 4B be on Netflix?

Netflix UK has yet to officially confirm when Rick and Morty season 4B will arrive on Netflix but we have a good idea when to expect the remaining five episodes.

As is well known, the broadcast of the series was split in half. With the first being broadcast in the UK from November 18th, 2020 to December 18th, 2020. The first half of season four arrived on Netflix UK exactly six months later on June 18th, 2020.

The finale of Rick and Morty wasn’t broadcast in the UK until June 4th, which means if the second half of the fourth season follows suit, we won’t see the remaining episodes arrive until December 2020.

Is Rick and Morty Leaving Netflix UK?

Despite the fact that UK subscribers receive the newest episodes of Rick and Morty later than previous seasons, it has not, by any means, stopped the series from being one of the most binged on Netflix UK.

We last reported that Rick and Morty was scheduled to leave Netflix UK in October 2018. The license for the series has since been renewed, and we aren’t expecting to see it leaving anytime soon.

Where else can I stream Rick and Morty on Netflix?

You can stream Rick and Morty on Netflix in many countries around the world:

Country Seasons Episodes
Australia 4 41
Belgium 4 41
Czech Republic 4 41
Greece 4 41
Hong Kong 4 41
Hungary 4 41
Iceland 4 41
India 4 41
Israel 4 41
Japan 4 41
Lithuania 4 41
Netherlands 4 41
Poland 4 41
Portugal 4 41
Russia 4 41
Singapore 4 41
Slovakia 4 41
South Africa 4 41
South Korea 4 41
Sweden 4 41
Thailand 4 41
Romania 4 41
Turkey 4 40
Argentina 4 36
Brazil 4 36
France 4 36
Germany 4 36
Italy 4 36
Mexico 4 36
Spain 4 36
Switzerland 4 36


Are you excited to see the remaining episodes of Rick and Morty season four on Netflix UK?

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Jacob joined What's on Netflix in 2018 as a fulltime writer having worked in numerous other industries until that point. Jacob covers all things Netflix whether that's TV or movies but specializes in covering new anime and K-dramas. Resides in Norwich in the United Kingdom.