When Will Fuller House Season 3 Part 2 be on Netflix?

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Fuller House Season Part

More episodes of Fuller House will be heading our way in early 2018 thanks to season 3 being much longer than normal seasons and split into two halves. Below, we’ll take a look as to when the next nine episodes will be streaming plus a look further ahead at the prospect of a season 4. 

The modern-day Netflix remake has been a hit among fans both new and old and since its first episode the series now has 35 episodes under its belt and shows no sign of slowing down. The first two seasons of the show had 13 episodes a piece but the third season was increased to an 18 episode order but would be split into two halves.

The comedy series has been joined by many other new comedies since it first arrived including The Ranch, Disjointed and Master of None.

The good news is that the production has already wrapped on season 3 part 2 so it’s likely being chopped up in an editing room as we speak however we won’t have to wait too long although it won’t be arriving this side of Christmas.

The series looks to be shifting to the successful format that has been taken up by The Ranch. In this format, it results in us getting two halves

When will season 3 part 2 be on Netflix?

March 2018 is the date we’re currently predicting to be when the next eight episodes will be joining Netflix. This follows a 6-month schedule release date that we’ve seen with some other Netflix shows. Fuller House has not kept to a yearly release schedule though but could be shifting to that format from here on out.

Fuller House Season 4 Plans?

As of the time of writing, there’s no news on a possible fourth season. Netflix usually gives new episode orders for Fuller House around 3-4 weeks after the episodes air. In this case, we’d expect Fuller House to get renewed shortly after the next 9 episodes.

We can’t see any reason as to why the show won’t be renewed, it has a big audience and is relatively cheap to produce and we don’t see it going anywhere.

Are you looking forward to more episodes of Fuller House? Let us know in the comments down below.