What Superfans Want to See in ‘The Sandman’ Season 2

Some of the biggest fans of The Sandman give their predictions on what we can expect from season 2.

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Morpheus Season The Sandman Netflix

Tom Sturridge as Dream in episode 109 of The Sandman. Cr. Laurence Cendrowicz/Netflix © 2022

We’re still waiting for official confirmation on the future of The Sandman, but that hasn’t stopped us and many others from jumping the gun on what we could expect from season 2. We called for superfans to predict what would happen in season 2 of The Sandman, and here’s what we got back.

In our main article for a potential second season, you can already read one of the biggest superfans’ predictions and expectations for season 2.

With thanks to everyone that emailed in submissions for this article, we’re overwhelmed by the response! Unfortunetely, we weren’t able to include every submission but thank you again.

The Sandman Season 2 Predictions by Super Fans

Swirly The Sandman Season 2 Predictions and Expectations

One of the first people we reached out to was a Twitter account named Swirly, one of the most active Sandman accounts online.

Here’s what they predict will happen in season 2:

“Looking beyond a second season of the Netflix adaptation of The Sandman, the series so far has perfectly established the key themes of the fan favourite and pivotal volume seven: Brief Lives. Illustrated by Jill Thompson and Vince Locke, Brief Lives follows Dream and Delirium, the youngest of the Endless, as they search the Waking World for their missing brother Destruction. The nine issue story arc will likely be covered in the potential third season of the Netflix show, but foreshadowing for some of the most important Sandman moments that are still to come has already begun.

Dream and Delirium’s search for their brother ultimately becomes tangled with Dream’s complicated relationship with his estranged son Orpheus. The bonus 11th episode of the first season begins to establish this major thread of the story. Interestingly, the Netflix adaptation heavily suggests that Orpheus, who is the child of the Greek Muse Calliope and Onieros (Dream), is actually dead. The truth is complicated but Orpheus essentially remains living on a secluded island. This change is likely to make Orpheus and Dream’s reunion in Brief Lives more impactful. Orpheus plays a key role in Dream’s character arc so adapting this storyline well is vital. Showrunner Allan Heinberg recently told Variety that the entire season is being planned around a specific actor that they have in mind for Orpheus, so this beloved volume is definitely taking centre stage moving forward. I think it is likely Orpheus will appear in season two as Netflix could adapt Thermidor and tell the story of the task Dream set Johanna Constantine, which he mentions to Hob Gadling in episode six. 

The finale of season one sees Dream confront his sibling Desire over their involvement with the Vortex (Rose Walker). Desire fathered a child with Unity Kincaid in her dreams in order to mix Endless blood with the Vortex line. This would force Dream to spill family blood in order to protect the universe, but in turn would cost him his own life. This key idea is carried throughout the story until it tragically plays out in Brief Lives, leading to the events of the final volumes of The Sandman.

In one of the most iconic comic book panels of all time, Dream walks barefoot through grass (“grounding”, as Death tells him in episode six) as red flowers bloom behind him. Doing this crucial scene justice will, without a doubt, be at the top of the list for many comic fans when it comes to the Netflix adaptation. There was even foreshadowing to this scene in episode two: red flowers begin to grow beside Dream after he absorbs the life of the nightmare Gregory.”

Amanda Pike The Sandman Season 2 Predictions and Expections

One of the set of predictions we got came from the owner of the highly active Facebook group (over 110.5k members) and Discord server for the show, Amanda Pike.

“My predictions for The Sandman Season 2 entail the plots of both The Sandman: Season of Mists and The Sandman: A Game of you graphic novel storylines.

I believe we will first be given the backstory of Morpheus and Nada’s relationship and how she ended up in Hell. Then (perhaps at an Endless family supper) Morpheus will be forced to realize he had been wrong to leave Nada in Hell. This was the result of a conversation with Death in the comics and I think that part might remain intact.

Morpheus has to prepare for the trip to Hell, fearing the worst. He even has a visit with Hob Gadling where he brings him a very rare bottle of wine he found in a dream.

The Sandman New On Netflix August

Picture: Netflix

When Morpheus arrives at Hell that is when he will discover that Lucifer is shutting the place down. Lucifer is quitting. Hopefully Lucifer will give the famous speech given in the comics. The speech was quoted a few times in fragments in the Lucifer TV show. About how Lucifer doesn’t buy souls like a fishmonger’s wife come market day. How can you own a soul? And how the mortal souls who end up in Hell are like masochists demanding to be tortured and so they do. Lucifer telling Morpheus how tired Lucifer is. And then after Lucifer locks up Hell Lucifer asks Morpheus to help cut off Lucifer’s wings. This was done, in the comics, using Mazikeen’s blade.
Once that is done Lucifer hands Morpheus the key to Hell and the real fun begins. Morpheus has to figure out what to do with the key to Hell as entities from beliefs from all over the world and every pantheon show up in The Dreaming all vying for the Key to Hell.

While this is going on in the Mortal world I believe the plot of “A Game of You” starts to play out in tandem. Barbie and Ken have separated and we meet Donna (Judy’s ex from the diner episode). Johanna Constantine may or may not be here in place of the witch character Thessaly.

The plots will overlap and after the events of Season of Mists are resolved with two angels taking the key to Hell, the ending of A Game of You will also play out with some moderate changes from the comic version of the story.
At least that’s how I think it may happen.

“Anthro” Predictions for The Sandman Season 2

“I could of course say that I am excited to see every single panel of Season of Mists and A Game of You and hopefully Fables & Reflections adapted in season 2, but for the sake of brevity, I’ll focus on the one scene that I know I’ll love more than any other in the entire second season. It’s a very brief conversation between Hob Gadling and Morpheus where a toast is made and unnecessary goodbyes are said.

Hob has been my favourite character ever since I’ve read the comics, and Ferdinand Kingsley’s portrayal has only solidified that for me and for many other fans. I can’t wait to see how he and Tom are bring that scene to life, but I know they’ll make it one of the most compassionate and heartwarming moments of the series. But as much as I want to see it, I’m afraid that it might be Hob’s only appearance in the season, not to mention that it would only last about 5 minutes which would be a huge waste of a very popular character and Ferdie’s talent. It’s why I’m hoping that the writers decide to give him a bigger role in Dream’s story to solidify the importance of their friendship for events that happen later on in Sandman.

If the season is going to adapt Thermidor, perhaps Hob could join Lady Constantine’s quest, which would be a wonderful combination of two fan favourite characters and a fascinating showcasing of a Hob who had only recently abandoned slave trade. Seeing him grappling with his conscience and trying to find his place in the world again would be just incredible.”

The Sandman Netflix

Picture: Netflix

Jen P. (@_Starlorde) The Sandman season 2 predictions

“From where that cliffhanger left us in Hell, we’ll see Season of Mists come to life next. Even though a family dinner was already mentioned, we could see The Endless gather again to introduce Delirium and Destiny. Honestly I would love to see the arch where Delirium and Dream could go look for Destruction. (Not just bc one of the favorite quotes about permanence and stars is there.) Since we were introduced to Will Shakespeare in episode 6 and Dream mentions “a delegation of fairies” coming to visit, Midsummer Night’s Dream could be coming (even if it’s a bonus episode like DREAM OF A THOUSAND CATS/CALLIOPE).”

Dream Of A Thousand Cats Calliope The Sandman

Sandra Oh as The Prophet in episode 111 of The Sandman. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix

Anonymous hopes for a another Bonus Episode

One fan reached out to us and wished to stay anonymous. Here’s their hope for another bonus episode akin to episode 111.

“I would love to see the issue Façade adapted in another bonus episode. It’s a story that means a lot to every reader. Furthermore, extra Death content is always welcome.

Even though he’s rarely in the comics, I think everyone wants to see more Hob content in the show. Seeing him and Dream interact for only half an episode sparked the fandoms interest and he rapidly became a loved character. We’ve learnt recently that a scene with Dream visiting Hob’s classroom was written but never filmed. Seeing it in season 2 could be very fun.

Seasons of mists is quite the fan favorite, simply seeing it on screen would be amazing. The family diner issue will get us to meet most of the Endless. We are all excited to know who they will be casting for Delirium, everyone has their dream cast. Personally, I am more focused on the Destiny casting, hoping that it’ll be a cameo by Neil Gaiman.

The Nada tragedy will be the main storyline in season 2. It is breathtaking on its own, but I think it needs more moments where Desire is manipulating the situation, and I hope the show will give us that.”

What do you want to see in The Sandman season 2? Let us know in the comments down below.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.

 PosterRating: TV-MA
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Cast: Tom Sturridge, Boyd Holbrook, Patton Oswalt
Season Additions:
  • - Season 1 - 1 Bonus Episode was added to Netflix on August 19th, 2022
  • - Season 1 was added to Netflix on August 5th, 2022
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