Picture: Manga Luffy (left) and Inaki Godoy as live-action Luffy – Shueisha / Netflix
The first season of Netflix’s live-action adaptation of One Piece saw plenty of changes from the manga. With the second season in production, we’ve gone into detail below on some of the changes we may see in the second season.
We’ll cover each arc we’ll see in the second season of One Piece. We’re also basing this on the assumption that the second season will be around eight episodes. A recent revelation from the One Piece author, Eiichiro Oda, has revealed that the second season won’t cover the events of Alabasta!
Looks like Alabasta will be reserved for the third season of the live-action adaptation!
East Blue Saga
Picture: Loguetown – TOEI Animation
Loguetown is only five manga chapters long, which can easily be covered in one episode. There isn’t much, if anything, that would need to be changed from the Loguetown Arc in the manga. This arc will introduce audiences to Captain Smoker, his first mate Tashigi, and Dragon, Luffy’s father.
As this is an adaptation of the manga, filler from the anime is very unlikely to feature in the story. However, we could see one change in the story: the early reveal of the Dragon’s true identity. We also expect to see more Smoker and Tashigi as they and the Marines pursue Luffy and the Strawhats into the Grand Line, effectively taking over Garp’s pursuit of Luffy in season one.
Will Ace and Blackbeard feature?
A considerable change we might also see is an earlier introduction of Ace and Blackbeard. It will still be a while before they interact with Luffy; however, as Ace and Blackbeard are a few steps ahead in the Grand Line, we may see more of Ace’s pursuit of Blackbeard and the destruction the latter leaves in his wake.
Alternatively, we could see two of the following scenarios: Luffy’s first interaction with Blackbeard, which is meant to take place during the Sky Island arc, or Ace is introduced early in Loguetown instead of Alabasta.
There’s a chance we could see both, with Ace narrowly missing Blackbeard thanks to Luffy, and then for the remainder of the season, we see snippets of Ace’s pursuit of Blackbeard before reuniting with Luffy in Alabasta.
Alabasta Saga
Reverse Mountain Arc
Picture: Reverse Mountain – TOEI Animation
Another arc with very little story to change, this arc introduces us to Crocus, Laboon, Mr. 9, Miss Wednesday, and the Unluckies: Miss Friday and Mr. 13. It also provides more detail about the dangers of the Grand Line as the Straw Hats accidentally sail into the Calm Belt, a stretch of ocean between the Grand Line and home to the Sea Kings.
Thanks to her map, Nami may relay the danger of the Calm Belt ahead of time to save time and the expense of animating the Sea Kings and avoid both the Sea Kings and the Calm Belt altogether. However, the fans would all prefer to see the Sea Kings in action.
Honestly, there is little to cut from the manga for this arc. The manga takes up five chapters, and the anime has two episodes for the Reverse Mountain Arc. One episode from the live-action should be more than enough.
For fan service, we may also get a sneak peek/easter egg look at Brook if we get a flashback of Laboon’s origin.
Whisky Peak
Picture: Whisky Peak – TOEI Animation
Another short arc, Whisky Peak, introduces us to Baroque Works and the characters of Mr. 8, Karoo, Miss Monday, Mr. 5, Miss Valentine, and Miss All Sunday.
Again, as another short arc in the story, one episode should be all the arc needs for the live-action. In this arc, we will learn the true identity of Miss Wednesday and the identity of the leader of Baroque Works, the pirate warlord Crocodile, aka Mr. 0. To tease fans for what’s to come, we may get a flashback of Miss Wednesday, aka Princess Vivi’s time in Alabasta.
This arc is also great for Zoro fans. As he battles dozens of foes, he shows off his swordsmanship ability. Also, a hilarious misunderstanding leads to a violent altercation between Luffy and Zoro.
Usopp and Sanji don’t have much to contribute in this arc in the manga, but that’s certainly something we could see changed for the live-action adaptation.
Little Garden
Picture: Little Garden – TOEI Animation
A significantly longer arc, Little Garden comprises 15 chapters of the manga and eight anime episodes. In this arc, we’re introduced to the giant duo Dorry and Brogy and more members of Baroque Works, such as Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek.
If the live-action can get the pacing correct, there is no reason why the events of Little Garden can’t be covered in sixty minutes. However, as this season won’t cover Alabasta, this will give the live-action adaptation time to flesh out the story of Little Garden. And, when you consider the One Pace team was able to shave off 67 minutes from the runtime of Little Garden in the One Piece anime, then the writing team should have no problem fitting the arc into two episodes.
This arc may provide an opportunity to flesh out Zoro’s rivalry with Sanji during their dinosaur hunt further. What would excite fans is our first look at a live-action Elbaf, the home of Dorry and Brogy.
Drum Island Arc
Picture: Drum Island – TOEI Animation
As Drum Island will introduce us to the character of Chopper and conclude the second season of One Piece, the arc will be at least two episodes long. Kureha, Walpol, and Dalton are other characters introduced, and the first time we hear the names of Blackbeard and Ace.
Assuming Drum Island will be at least two episodes long, this means there won’t be any need to make too many changes to the arc. Perhaps the way we were introduced to Mihawk in season 1 might be how we’re introduced to Blackbeard, who, before the arrival of the Strawhats on Drum Island, had an altercation with its ruler, Walpol. forcing the latter to leave Drum Island. This means Luffy’s first interaction with Walpol wouldn’t be until after his return to Drum Island and the Siege of Walpol Castle.
Let’s all hope Chopper is still just as adorable as his manga counterpart.
What would you change from manga for the live-action One Piece on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below!