Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt New York Location Guide

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Kimmy Schmidt New York GuideUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is as much as a massive advertisement for the city of New York as it is a great comedy with some very likable characters. In this guide, we’re going to give you the location guide to Kimmy Schmidt by picking out all the highlights of where Kimmy has visited so far in her two seasons on Netflix. You manage to get to New York and snap a few photos, please post them on our Facebook page or in the comments, we’d love to see them!

Kimmy’s House Basement Apartment!

Yes this place is real and you can visit it. Just don’t go doing what they did to the Breaking Bad house and chuck pizza’s on their roof, although this apartment is significantly higher. The show, from the outside at least, is shot at 74 Freeman St in Brooklyn.

Season 1

Rockefeller Center – Interview with Molewoman

In New York, they have studios from all the different networks set up on street level to allow viewers to look into the studio while they broadcast. The most famous of them all is the TODAY show in Rockefeller Plaza where the mole woman interviewed with Matt Lauer. You can get tours of the studio too!

Times Square

If you’re planning a trip to New York, the chances are you already have Time Square on your agenda. The bustling center of New York is busy regardless of the time of day with the entire street lit up. Of course, early on in season 1, this is where Titus was dressed up in his robot costume.

Dylan’s Candy Bar

Candy For Dinner 4This is where Kimmy really let loose in the streets of New York, at the candy bar. It’s also the first time we’re introduced to Buckley who is caught by Kimmy stealing some candy!

Cherry Hill Fountain

Not only was this a great spot in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt it’s also from the famous Friends opening sequence where they’re all splashing around and… well to be truthful, we don’t know why they did what they did but who cares, it should be on your list when visiting New York.

Season 2

It’s Always Christmas In New York

That’s right, a Christmas store exists 365 days a year in New York. How? We’re not sure either. This is where Kimmy worked for a few episodes during season 2.

Neptune Statue

Dong’s wife think she’s hooking up with Neptune and in exchange Dong gets to stay in the United States. In episode 5, Sonya goes missing and eventually the two track her down speaking to the statue. This statue happens to be just behind the Grand Army Plaza Monument. The statue itself is the Bailey Fountain found in Brooklyn.

Christopher Columbus Statue

In episode 7, it begins with a bizarre rant to the Christopher Columbus statue that’s present in the Columbus Circle on the south-east corner of Central Park. Why was she here? Probably checking out all of the expensive shops on the other side of the road or just ticking another box for the production team.

 PosterRating: TV-14
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Cast: Ellie Kemper, Tituss Burgess, Carol Kane, Jane Krakowski
Season Additions:
  • - Final Season was added to Netflix on January 25th, 2019
  • - Season 4 - Part 1 was added to Netflix on May 30th, 2018