‘Triviaverse’ Interactive Quiz Sets November 2022 Netflix Release Date

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Triviaverse New On Netflix Interactive Special

Picture: Netflix

A new interactive special is headed to Netflix in November 2022 and will be Netflix’s second effort to use its interactive storytelling technology in a quiz-based format. Here’s what we know so far. 

Here’s the official synopsis for the new special as per the Netflix page:

“Highest score wins! Challenge a friend or beat a mysterious foe by answering random rapid-fire trivia questions on science, art, geography and more.”

The special will arrive globally on Netflix on November 8th, 2022.

The title was first unveiled at Netflix’s Tudum event, which looked into some of Netflix’s upcoming suite of games. Other titles announced included SpongeBob Squarepants Get Cooking!, Compass Point: West, Stranger Things: Puzzle Games, and Kentucky Route Zero.

The trailer demonstrates how the game works. You’ll select answers to questions using direction arrows on your remote (or buttons on mobile) to answer questions in quick succession.

Some of the questions featured in the trailer included:

  • Which chromosome is larger?
  • In the 2012 film “Battleship,” what pop star plays a weapon specialist?
  • Dionysus is the Greek god of what beverage?
  • What’s a diamond made out of?

Netflix has experimented with the quiz show format for its interactive technology already in the form of Trivia Quest and Cat Burglar, both released in 2022.

Trivia Quest saw over 30 quizzes released on Netflix over the course of a month based on the hit mobile game. Unfortunetely, we thought the title was a wasted opportunity, with the title lacking the social features that would’ve made it a must-play.

Triviaverse Netflix November

Artwork for Trivaverse on Netflix

The release of Triviaverse will bring the total number of interactive specials on Netflix up to 23. Netflix also has a growing collection of mobile games, with well over 30 now available as part of your subscription.

Will you be playing Triviaverse when it hits Netflix on November 8th? Let us know in the comments.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.