Terra Nova is Leaving Netflix in September 2017

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Terra Nova Leaving Netflix

Terra Nova is the next show to face removal on Netflix as it’s currently scheduled to leave the streaming service on September 11th, 2017. It joins the rest of the FOX library which is slowly being taken off of Netflix as the contract lapses. 

The series was one of Fox’s biggest and most ambitious projects to date but sadly only lasted one series after it failed to give Fox a good return on investment. It attracted top talent and brought on Steven Spielberg to become an executive director. The show is a sci-fi series that was primarily set in 2149 where they have just discovered a time traveling method to go back to a time where the dinosaurs existed.

The series was shopped to other networks and it’s thought that Netflix was interested in taking up the show but nothing came to fruition. The show was first added to Netflix in 2014, was removed for a week in 2015 but has been streaming ever since.

Why is Terra Nova leaving Netflix?

Terra Nova is produced and distributed by 21st Century Fox which recently broke ties with Netflix after failing to renew their contract. As a result, many to all of Fox’s shows will be leaving Netflix over the next few months.

Ultimately, this all comes down to money and with Netflix focusing more on newer shows to license and of course it’s own shift in producing its own content, it was no longer viable to renew Terra Nova.

Where can I stream it now?

At the moment, you can’t stream although, throughout fall 2017, many of Fox’s shows will be making their way over to Hulu. Fox owns part of Hulu and it was confirmed earlier this year that it’d be the new home for many of its shows including Terra Nova.

Are you disappointed Terra Nova is leaving Netflix? Let us know in the comments down below.