Sense8 Rewatch Running Throughout December 2018

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Sense Rewatch Netflix December

Sense8 – Copyright Netflix

Sense8 fans just can’t let their show go. The fanbase of the Netflix sci-fi show has organised a month-long rewatch to celebrate their show and more importantly, let Netflix know that they haven’t gone anywhere.

If you haven’t been made aware, Sense8 ended earlier this year when Netflix brought the show back from the dead for one last final episode which bid farewell to the Sensates. The revival came after a huge fan uproar after the show was initially canned back in

How you can get involved

The rewatch involves doing just that, rewatching Sense8 and taking to social media to express their love for the show. The rewatch isn’t the first and not even the first this year. The last global rewatch took place back in August.

Despite being cancelled, the shows two seasons, Christmas special, finale and the making of documentary still reside on the service as it will do so long as Netflix exists.

The majority of fans are using social media like Twitter and Facebook to talk about their rewatch.

A lot of the tweets and posts implore Netflix to reconsider their cancellation of the show. Some have even pointed out (like the tweet above) that Netflix could’ve spent some of the supposed $100 million on renewing Friends for a year on cancelled beloved shows like Sense8.

Could this make Netflix renew Sense8?

As for the likelihood of a full-fledged third season. It’s unlikely. Netflix specifically said that the final episode was just that and with the cast moving onto new projects, it’s unlikely that the show will be returning, at least on Netflix. Some fans have looked to other providers to pick up the show to no success.

Now it’s over to you. Let us know in the comments your favourite Sense8 memories and whether you’d like to see season 3 of the show.

 PosterRating: TV-MA
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Cast: Doona Bae, Jamie Clayton, Tina Desai, Tuppence Middleton
Season Additions:
  • - Season 2 - Episode 12 was added to Netflix on June 8th, 2018