Sense8: Final 2 Hour Special Coming Soon

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Earlier this month Netflix announced that they would no longer produce the groundbreaking and extremely popular show Sense8. This caused extreme distaste (to say the least) with the thousands of fans that were already heavily invested in the show and its many diverse characters. The cancellation even caused fans to start a petition on that gained over half a million supporters.

The show was created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski in where 8 strangers from different corners of the globe become somewhat psychically connected. The sci-fi series gained praise for being one of the most open and diverse shows in recent years with a refreshing take on race and sexualities.

The main reason the show was canceled in the first place was that each episode was costing an obscene amount of money to produce and complete. Unfortunately, the numbers just weren’t adding up with Netflix. (Some estimates put the cost of each episode at $9 million a pop)

As many fans would agree with, the end of the second season was really hotting up and the thing that hurt both viewers and the Wachowski’s was that it ended on a cliffhanger, full of uncertainty.  A two-hour final should definitely do the job in providing well-needed closure for everyone. Also, the Wachowski’s are best known for their movies (The Matrix) rather than TV series, so we’re sure they’ll be more than capable with concluding this amazing series.

Everyone who made their voice heard recently regarding Sense8 will be pleased to read what the official Sense8 Twitter account just announced:


Along with this Tweet, a video has also been posted showing a compilation of the cast singing along to “What’s Up” with the simple words “It’s Happening. 2 Hour Finale Episode, Tell your cluster“.


Release Date

As of yet, we don’t have an accurate release date for the special but we know it is due to hit Netflix sometime in 2018 and it’s in the works. We’ll have more information as we get it right here on What’s on Netflix and keep an eye on our Sense8 Season 3 page!

This may seem a long time to wait for closure but just remember “Your love has brought Sence8 back to life”.