‘Rise of Empires Ottoman’ Season 2: Netflix Renewal Status & What to Expect

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Rise Of Empires Ottoman Netflix

Rise of Empire: Ottoman – Picture: STX Television / Netflix

One of the big new historical dramas Netflix has introduced so far in 2020 is Rise of Empires: Ottoman. If you’ve flown through all six episodes of season 1, you’re probably looking to whether we’ll be getting a season 2 of Rise of Empires Ottoman. Let’s look at whether that will happen and what we can expect from any second season.

The series is about Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II and his campaign to take Constantinople. It’s filmed in Turkey with Turkish actors but is spoken in English throughout. The series merges a technique we’ve seen pioneered on Netflix with the like of The Last Czars whereby some of the series is filmed as a documentary and the rest as live-action retellings of the events that took place.

By the end of season 1 (caution: spoilers), Mehmet finds himself on the throne in victory with the conquest of the capital and an end to the Byzantine Empire. Of course, history suggests there’s plenty more subject matter to cover in future series, as the historians illuded to with the upcoming conquering of much of Europe. At the end of episode 6, Fatih Sultan Mehmet stares directly into the camera to say, “So, we begin.”

That almost certainly suggests the showrunners have plans for the show’s future.

Has Netflix renewed for Rise of Empires: Ottoman for season 2?

Official renewal status: not yet renewed (last updated: 01/30/2020)

Given the series’ naming convention, it could quite easily tackle other empires throughout history once it finishes with the Ottomans, although this would then require it to step into the territory of the Roman Empire, another Netflix Original series that covers the Roman Empire specifically.

You can follow some of the team behind the show on Twitter who hopefully may give insight into the future of the show. Speaking to a fan (where he stated he wasn’t aware of any second season), Michael Talbot (one of the historians on the show) discussed with a fan what the show could and couldn’t do next.

What to watch next on Netflix after Rise of Empires

Need some series similar to Rise of Empires? Here are a few suggestions.

  • Roman Empire – anthology series that looks at the history of various rulers during the Roman Empire usually each with a big name lead star.
  • Knightfall – a historical drama that looks at what happens to a knight 15 years after the end of the crusades.
  • The Last Kingdom is one of Netflix’s best historical dramas that looks at Aflred the Great.
  • The Last Czars uses the same docudrama format as Rise of Empires and therefore is very similar in style.
  • The Witcher is a good recommendation if you fancy a bit of fantasy thrown into your historical dramas.

Now it’s over to you. Do you want to see season 2 of Rise of Empires on Netflix? Let us know in the comments down below.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.