Robin Marchant/Getty Images for SiriusXM / LIONEL BONAVENTURE/AFP/Getty Images
Netflix standup comedy is coming to SiriusXM and more details were fleshed out on what the channel would include in the recent earnings call by Netflix. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming channel.
This deal between Netflix and SiriusXM was first announced back in July 2018. The deal would bring a new Netflix channel to SiriusXM to feature, promote and highlight its standup comedy lineup.
SiriusXM, if you aren’t aware, is a subscription service available in the United States and is essentially a set of premium radio stations. Most of its stations are comprised of music but the service is mostly known as the host of the Howard Stern Show. It’s also got news stations but more pertinent to this article, it has comedy stations.
Why is Netflix adding a SiriusXM channel?
The Netflix standup special library has swelled in the past few years with over 150 individual specials. The new channel will likely play some of the specials released so far throughout and as announced in the video and press release, include special one-offs, interviews and features.
Why is Netflix doing this and who does it benefit most?
This is a great question. We believe Netflix is using SiriusXM as a platform to help promote its standup specials. For SiriusXM, it’s a great collection of content to expand their comedy lineup. We’d say it’s a mutual benefit to both companies.
Will it be replacing a SiriusXM channel?
SiriusXM has already got a wide range of comedy options available at the moment. At the time of writing, SiriusXM has eight different comedy channels including a station from Kevin Hart, Raw Dog Comedy, Jeff & Larry, Canada Laughs and Carlin’s Corner.
Comedy Central also currently has a station in the comedy section at the moment. It’s a mix between live standup comedy and taking calls from listeners. The setup of their station is likely to mirror that of Netflix.
Will you need a Netflix subscription to access the station?
You won’t be needing a Netflix subscription to access the Netflix station.
When is it releasing?
No release date was announced in either the press release or earnings call as of yet.