Netflix Renews PBS Content – Here’s whats included

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PBS, or those not familiar with the Public Broadcasting Service is a non-profit public broadcaster across the USA. Most known for its running of BBC television shows and of course Sesame Street. Their relationship with Netflix has generally been good but it’s now time for the renewal and with that it’s saving some those titles we listed to expire on the 1st July.

To make it easier we’re breaking it down into two sections. Adult material and children’s material.



All of the Ken Burns documentaries which includes his series on wars, which are some of his best work but also documentaries on Jazz, Baseball and even National Parks across the US.

Also in the renewal NOVA is included which is a series based on technology and science.


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For the kids section they’ve renewed multiple licenses including that of Wild Kratts, Dinosaur Trains, Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood and Martha Speaks.

You’l also see the debut of ‘Peg + Cat’ which won an Emmy earlier in the year.

Where’s the rest?

Now we recognise that there’s alot of PBS content still missing from the Netflix library. This is ultimately down to Amazon Prime nabbing the rights to many of your beloved series such as Downton Abbey and Mr. Selfridge. The extended deal with Amazon Prime is likely to extend off into the distance as Amazon Prime’s new approach seems to be buying out major US networks content to prevent Netflix from getting it. Clever Amazon.

What’s your favourite PBS program? Is it on Netflix?

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.