Netflix Picks Up Rick and Morty Season 3 With Weekly Episodes

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Rick And Morty

Netflix UK will be getting season 3 of Rick and Morty on a weekly basis starting July 30th. Since it’s initial release back in 2013 Rick and Morty has taken the pop culture world by storm with its amazing writing and originality. Recent trailers have revealed when the show is being broadcasted in the US, but until now it has been unclear whether the season would be getting a UK release date.

Netflix UK has recently announced that the streaming site will, in fact, be debuting the show weekly in the UK until it concludes its 10 episodes span.

The animated show follows the interdimensional adventures of the genius Rick and his moronic grandson Morty. Instead of traveling through time, they use the multiverse, an endless sea of parallel universes that can contain anything you could possibly imagine, and more.

Adult Swim has already released the first episode all the way back in spring to the surprise of many fans. The episode titled “The Rickshank Rickdemption” aired on April Fool’s Day and caused quite a buzz on the internet, especially regarding a certain 1998 McDonald’s Szechuan sauce that was included in the episode.

Netflix UK Release Schedule

All ten episodes will come to Netflix UK on a weekly basis on Sundays only shortly after it airs in the US on AdultSwim. Below, we’ve included a complete release schedule telling you when the next episode of Rick and Morty will be on Netflix. Netflix UK will be running a week late.

Episode Number AdultSwim Air Date Netflix UK Release Date
Episode 01 April 1, 2017 July 30, 2017
Episode 02 July 30, 2017 August 5, 2017
Episode 03 August 6, 2017 August 12, 2017
Episode 04 August 13, 2017 August 19, 2017
Episode 05 TBD TBD
Episode 06 TBD TBD
Episode 07 TBD TBD
Episode 08 TBD TBD
Episode 09 TBD TBD
Episode 10 TBD TBD

Netflix US Release Date

As for the United States, as we’ve covered before, there’s no release date for any of the Rick and Morty series in the near future. Thanks to an exclusive arrangement with Hulu, all of Adult Swin’s past and future catalog will be streaming on Hulu for the immediate future. Netflix does offer some worthy alternatives though in the animated sitcom space with Bojack Horseman and F is for Family being both fantastically animated sitcoms.

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Alex Hirlam has been a contributor to What's on Netflix and provided weekly roundups for Australia and Canada as well as other features. Alex came to What's on Netflix for an apprenticeship where he spent a year and a half maintaining the libraries of the two regions as well as contributing content. Resides in Norwich, UK.