Lucifer – Picture: Warner Bros. Television and Netflix
If you can believe it, the final sixth season of Lucifer arrived on Netflix over 9 months ago as of June 2022. The show is a remarkable case study for Netflix given that it revived the show not once but twice! Despite the time now between the final season and now, fans are still hungry for more and continue actively campaigning for a Lucifer movie or a spin-off of some form.
Lucifer managed to do the unthinkable twice getting renewed at Netflix following its cancelation at Fox and then getting a sixth season renewal following the original plan to make the fifth season the final season.
The show was one of Netflix’s most popular titles last year picking up 258.91 million hours viewed for season 6 alone between September 5th and October 10th, 2021.
The show is currently seeing a revival in Netflix’s top 10s following the earlier seasons being added to Netflix in select regions where they’ve up until now been locked to Amazon Prime (who interesting still lists the show as an Amazon Exclusive). Last week, it was the 45th biggest show on Netflix according to raw top 10 data.
Why fans want a Lucifer movie at Netflix
We spoke to a number of fans who continue to campaign for a new entry for Lucifer (mainly via Twitter) and asked them why they want to see the show return in some form.
Pau (who goes by the username of fancybritishman) told us they wanted to see a more conclusive ending
“I just think we deserve to see more happy Deckerstar now that they’re together and happy for eternity,i loved the ending of the show so much and yes it didn’t need more seasons but a movie to show all these things would be great and it would also be cool to see some familiar faces that we haven’t seen in a while for a movie, like father frank, candy,.. basically everyone reunited in heaven once they’re dead, seeing everyone happy there and just having fun times all together, for me the ending of the show left an open door and i just can’t see that as the actual ending.”
Lucifer season 6 – Picture: Netflix / Warner Bros. Television
Another fan by the name of Maria (under the username of mornxngstr) told us:
“First of all Lucifer was watched and loved by millions and left a big void when it ended so there’s never too much (!) and not to mention, we fans, are desperate for a lucifer movie. It’d be fantastic to see all these amazing characters on screen again, how they’re doing, some in the afterlife and some on earth still. There are too many stories to be told but mainly I’d love to see deckerstar, how they’re doing as hell healers, helping lost souls, their routine, their interactions with their daughter, how their relationship has evolved. The most amazing thing about the show, besides the writing and the amazing acting, was to see Tom andLauren portray, what is for me, the greatest love story ever so if we can see them again I’ll be the happiest person alive.”
Lucifer fan Ana Muriel tells us:
“…there are many stories they could use for the movie or the spin-off series. They can mix stories from the comics and from the series version.
I think Deckerstar Wedding will be one of the main plots they will write, because there were many hints about that. And also hints of Chloe wants to be an angel and she is also like a celestial for the immortals. And, to be honest, as an archangel, she could control her kingdom easier, and she could have freedom when she wants to.
The showrunners said since 2018 they wanted to continue with the show somehow after S6, so it is not only my opinion, but also their idea.”
Lucifer – Picture: Netflix / Warner Bros. Television
Another fan called Gabi (@perfectdecker) told us:
“Wanting more of “Lucifer”, for me, goes beyond just being passionate about the characters and the crew. I genuinely see potential in a brand new story placed in the same universe surrounding some of the newest characters – mainly Aurora Morningstar, Lucifer and Chloe’s daughter, who was introduced on the last season of the show.
At the same time that a story focused on Rory, or any other tale that branches from the original show, could be easily successful by following popular tropes among the general public, the writers are extremely talented and could make this potential story into something we’ve never seen before and be successful nonetheless.
Most of all, the characters of Lucifer are so well written that we, as a public, were able to build a strong emotional connection to them, which allows a new story to thrive easily and be worth begging for. Besides, in a celestial universe, exciting and original plots have the sky as its limit.”
A fan by the name of Kayla says there are numerous open questions following season 6. She asks “what happens to Trixie? Is she the only one who doesn’t get to be with her family after she dies?” adding “And then there’s Ella. What happens with her? Don’t get me wrong, the show was amazing. A movie to wrap it all up would be so great. Rory could have a show of her own.”
The reality is a third revival may be ultimately out of reach in the short term. As we’ve recently covered, the cast and crew of Lucifer have all been snapped up with other projects either away or with Netflix.
For instance, Tom Ellis has recently finished filming his new movie, Players. Aimee Garcia has recently wrapped up filming of the 47 Ronin sequel and showrunner Joe Henderson is working on a live-action Pokemon project for the streamer.
Would you like to see more Lucifer on Netflix in the future whether that be in the form of a movie or spin-off? Let us know in the comments.