Love, Death & Robots Episode 9: The Dump Ending Explained

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The Dump Love Death And Robots Ending Explained

What in tarnation!? For anyone confused about the ending to the Ninth episode of Love, Death and Robots allow us to help! We’ll be covering the remaining episodes too of Love, Death, and Robots, but here is the ending explained to The Dump.

The dump has been Ugly Dave’s home for nearly all his life and he isn’t about to let some stuck up inspector take it away from him.

Ending Explained

As Ugly Dave and Pearly prepare to fight the mysterious creature, Pearly is grabbed and subsequently eaten. The creature is then revealed to be completely covered in the junk from the dump. Ugly Dave had managed to fire a shotgun shell into the creature before giving chase in a forklift. Ramming into the junk creature’s side, Ugly Dave was close to ripping the monster in half before spotting a Pupper. After spotting the Puppy and Pearly’s body Ugly Dave realized the creature wasn’t just garbage but lived off it. Whatever the creature ate also became part of it. Raising his gun it is implied that Ugly Dave puts down the trash monster.

Ignorant Inspector

His story now finished the inspector wasn’t listening in the first place. He was more concerned with catching something gruesome from all the junk. Continuing to insult Ugly Dave the inspector asks him to sign. Otto finally arrives and instead of a dog, Ugly Dave kept the trash monster as his pet instead. Otto proceeds to eat the Inspector while Ugly Dave steals a new lighter for himself from the dead inspector.

The Dump Love Death And Robots Ending Explained Ugly Dave

Ugly Dave – Copyright. Netflix


A World of Rubbish

The origins of Otto is unknown but the more he eats the bigger he grows. Regardless of human, dog or trash whatever Otto eats becomes a part of him. Ugly Dave will of least, for now, be able to keep his dump, and even if the authorities are to send anyone round Otto is on hand to get rid of the problem. Ugly Dave had clearly felt sorry for the creature and decided the dump was Otto’s home just as much as it was his. The body that can be seen on Otto just before he eats the inspector was Pearly. Whether or not Ugly Dave shot Pearly is unclear but he didn’t he left his friend to a fate worse than death.

What did you think of The Dump? Let us know in the comments below!

 PosterRating: TV-MA
Language: English
Genre: Animation, Short, Action
Cast: Scott Whyte, Nolan North, Steven Pacey
Season Additions:
  • - Volume 3 was added to Netflix on May 20th, 2022