Copyright – Netflix
For anyone confused about the ending to the tenth episode of Love, Death and Robots allow us to help! We’ll be covering the remaining episodes too of Love, Death, and Robots, but here is the ending explained to Shape-Shifters.
Deep into Taliban territory, two shapeshifting Werewolves of the United States army face a threat from their own kind.
Ending Explained
After identifying the Taliban werewolf Decker sneaks out of the camp without telling Major Reyner so he can hunt without army interference. Decker’s suspicions were confirmed and the old man is a werewolf too. Decker and the old man begin their transformations but Decker is blindsided younger Werewolf. Fending off the younger pup, Decker transforms fully. The fight ensues, with the werewolf pair gaining the upper hand against Decker. When Decker’s arm is almost ripped off his body he falls to the ground in defeat. The pup attempts to finish Decker off but it was a trap thus Decker catch the pup by surprise ripping his throat out.
Angered by the death of the pup, the Old werewolf smashes into Decker and they both fall of the edge of the hill. The old werewolf gains the upper hand, continuing to wounding Decker, but before a finishing blow is dealt Decker counters snapping the arm of the old werewolf. Rolling him and pinning him down, Decker places his mouth over the snout of the old werewolf biting down into the skull killing him.
One last return to camp
In the morning Decker returns to base, with the injuries from his fight that night clear for all the troops to see. Accused by Major Reyner of being nothing more than an animal Decker leaves the army and the base for good. Decker buries the body of his friend and returns his fallen comrades dog tags atop his makeshift grave. Walking away from the grave, the camera pans as it turns from day to night with the full moon clear in view as wolves howl in the distance.
The old werewolf – Copyright. Netflix
Decker left the camp because of the amount of Xenophobia and disrespect the werewolves received, despite the fact, Decker risked his life killing two of his own race. Continuing to be treated like an animal by Major Reyner, Decker had had enough. Decker leaving the army was his statement of no longer allowing those in power to use him as an attack dog and to rid the ‘leash’ around his neck. The werewolf may have finally earned some respect from some of the men as there was a look of awe from the Platoon sergeant as Decker left the base. Whether the platoon sergeant feared or respected Decker is up for debate but most likely both.
The custom among the Werewolves must have been to wipe the scent of fallen comrades underneath their nose so they may never lose their scent. The Werewolves also believe in their own version of the afterlife as Decker says at Sobieski’s grave “see you in the wild, my friend.” Decker free of his ‘leash’ would have likely chosen to his werewolf side over the human, and live in the wilds of the world.
What did you think of Shape-Shifters? Let us know in the comments below!