Love, Death & Robots Episode 1: Sonnie’s Edge Ending Explained

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Sonnies Edge Love Death And Robots Ending Explained

Sonnie’s Edge – Love, Death & Robots – Copyright Netflix

For anyone confused about the ending to the first episode of Love, Death and Robots allow us to help! We’ll be covering the remaining episodes too of Love, Death, and Robots, but first of all, here is the ending explained to Sonnie’s Edge.

In a world of underground fighting ‘Beasts’ are the supreme fighters. Humans take control of the Beasts through the use of Bioprocessors, giving them an added edge in battle. The next challenger is Sonnie, a seemingly unbeatable opponent that refuses to throw her fights regardless of extra money.

Episode 1 Sonnie’s Edge Ending Explained

After Sonnie’s fight had ended, she and her friends were set to leave. Spotting the beautiful blonde from earlier, Sonnie follows her into a dimly lit room and the pair have a back and forth exchange as the conversation becomes more flirtatious. Sonnie explains to the blonde that revenge against those that raped her isn’t what gives her the edge in fights before she can finish explaining the blond seduces Sonnie.

Before Sonnie can bed her, the Blonde shows she has a mutation of her own and uses her retractable nails to slice into Sonnie’s head. A gloating Dicko enters the room and berates Sonnie for holding onto her pride instead of throwing the fight.

The Temptress

As the Blonde smashes Sonnie’s skull it still isn’t enough to kill her. Confused by this Dicko ask her what is she to which Sonnie jokingly says ‘Just a couple of Bioware processors spliced to a spine.’ This meant that Sonnie was never actually within the body we’ve seen the entire time, this is confirmed when Sonnie’s voice rings through a speaker and explains to Dicko on the night she was raped and deformed, her friends Wes and Ivrina found her and managed to save her life.

She further explains what gives her the added edge in her fights is the fact that Sonnie IS the Khanivore that she uses to fight. Sonnie then uses her tail to impale the Blonde through the head, picks up a frightened Dicko and explains its the fear of death that makes her such a great fighter. The episode then fades to black implying Sonnie killed Dicko.

Love Death And Robots Netflix

Sonnie is the Monster and has Dicko at her mercy – Copyright Netflix

So, in the end, Sonnie was the reverse of how the ‘beasts’ were used by humans. Instead of a human controlling the beast, she was the Khanivore the entire time and controlled her original body through processors. The original body was too damaged by the gang rape and disfigurement, and only used it to keep the disguise and mystique surrounding her. Sonnie’s fighting ability is the best because the fear of death is what makes her feel alive.

What did you think of Sonnie’s Edge? Let us know in the comments below!

 PosterRating: TV-MA
Language: English
Genre: Animation, Short, Action
Cast: Scott Whyte, Nolan North, Steven Pacey
Season Additions:
  • - Volume 3 was added to Netflix on May 20th, 2022