Iron Fist Season 3: Cancelled by Netflix/Disney, Character Not Dead

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Iron Fist Season Netflix Release

Copyright Netflix/Marvel

Iron Fist season 2 is now out in the wild and much like the first season, critics have not been kind. Despite most people expecting season 3 to be returning, Iron Fist has in fact, been cancelled. Here’s what we know about season 3 and why it was canned by Netflix and Disney.

Let’s recap before getting into whether or not Iron Fist will be returning for another solo outing. Iron Fist is one of the four Defenders characters which makes up the Netflix Marvel TV universe. The other members of the Defenders include Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. If you need help with the order on how to watch the Marvel shows, take a look at our watch-guide.

The first Iron Fist sees Danny Rand return to New York City after years of being away. His series was really one of the first that introduced “The Hand” properly leading into The Defenders. The first season was pretty much trashed by both critics and fans alike so they had a lot to work on going into season 2. One of the biggest changes was cutting down from a 13 episode season to 10. The cast was happy with the changes but was it enough to save the show?

The answer looks to be no. The series improves slightly on season 1 but still sits at a 39 on Metacritic.

Renewal Status for Iron Fist Season 3

Official renewal status: Cancelled (last updated: 10/13/2018)

In a joint statement, Netflix and Disney spoke about season 3 saying “Marvel’s Iron Fist will not return for a third season on Netflix. Everyone at Marvel Television and Netflix is proud of the series and grateful for all of the hard work from our incredible cast, crew and showrunners … We’re thankful to the fans who have watched these two seasons, and for the partnership we’ve shared on this series. While the series on Netflix has ended, the immortal Iron Fist will live on.”

That looks like Iron Fist solo days are over but with other Defenders solo series ongoing, it does seem as though he will be appearing in other shows.

Some have even speculated that he may be moving to Disney’s new streaming service eventually as Netflix’s Marvel series seemingly draw to a close.

The cancelation comes in spite of the director of season 2 being optimistic for season 3. He said back in September that “Unlike the movie studio, which can announce a Captain Marvel movie will be out in 2019, the television studio will always be beholden to our networks, and so if our networks want another season of Iron Fist, we’re ready to go. We’re just waiting for the answer. The show’s been out of a week.”

Did the series deserve a season 3?

When we originally published this article, we looked at whether the series actually deserved another season. It has had our team at What’s on Netflix split as while some have argued for its renewal, others haven’t.

Will he appear in any of the other Defenders?

It’s possible that Iron Fist may show up in other upcoming Defenders solo shows. In the last season of Luke Cage, for example, there was a lot of crossovers which carried into season 2 of Iron Fist. Daredevil season 3 is the next big series to release but we’re currently not expecting him to show up in that. Unfortunately, there are no plans for a big team up as we saw in The Defenders which was dubbed as a limited series.

Are you sad to see Iron Fists solo days come to an end? Let us know in the comments down below.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.