How to get ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ renewed for Season 4

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Save Santa Clarita Diet

Santa Clarita Diet – Saeed Adyani / Netflix

Santa Clarita Diet is not returning for the fourth season and fans are going crazy. In fact, it’s one of the biggest uproars we can remember even eclipsing the fallout from the cancelation of One Day at a Time and even Sense8. Here’s what you can do to help get Santa Clarita Renewed if not for a full season but for a final episode.

The untimely cancelation of Santa Clarita Diet arguably comes at a time when the show really hit its stride. The past season was the highest rated of the three and featured some of the best plot moments and saw the dynamic duo of Joel and Sheila face their toughest moments yet.

That’s not to mention the massive (and we do mean massive) cliffhanger the series left us on. Netflix has been struggling to get some of its flag ship shows past season 3 as of late.

What can we do? Is a renewal now completely outside the realm of possibility? Here’s a bit of background of Netflix’s cancelations and how we may just be able to overturn the decision.

The biggest case study of this we have is how Netflix fans managed to overturn the decision of the Sense8 cancellation and get a full final episode in the form of a movie. It involved massive fan co-ordination but it eventually happened. One Day at a Time, on the other hand, is thought to be heading to another network after several expressed interest but Netflix has so far blocked that from happening.

How you can help get Santa Clarita Diet renewed

There are several steps on how you can help get Santa Clarita Diet renewed using the same techniques as Sense8 in the past. Here they are:

Step 1: Sign the petition

Soon after the announcement, fans took no time in getting a petition set up pleading with Netflix to renew the show. In the space of a few short hours, this petition has just surpassed over 10,000 signatures.

There’ll no doubt be other petitions surface over the next several days and weeks so get signing.

Step 2: Request to Netflix

Netflix on its support pages offer you the place to put suggestions for content it should consider getting. The effectiveness of this form is to be debated but it certainly doesn’t harm in adding Santa Clarita Diet season 4 into the form to express directly how displeased you are with the decision.

Step 3: Make noise on social media

This is probably the most important step. Netflix is a company that listens and has multiple outlets. The hashtags #SaveSantaClaritaDiet and just the main show name have already begun trending on Twitter in the United States hours after the show’s cancelation. It’s also spawned some gem Tweets such as these:

Step 6: Reach out to other networks

Some have already begun reaching out to other networks such as Hulu, Amazon, FX and even NBC to pick up the show.

Step 5: Cancel Netflix

The most extreme method is by using your wallet to inform Netflix your dissatisfaction.

There you have it, we certainly hope Netflix can find a way to conclude the story in a more satisfying way even if it’s not a fully fledged fourth season. It’s what the fans deserve.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.

 PosterRating: TV-MA
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Cast: Drew Barrymore, Timothy Olyphant, Liv Hewson, Skyler Gisondo
Season Additions:
  • - Season 3 was added to Netflix on March 29th, 2019
  • - Season 2 was added to Netflix on March 23rd, 2018