Heroes for Hire: Are Netflix and Marvel Planning a First Season?

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Heroes For Hire Series Luke Cage Iron Fist Netflix E

It’s no secret to anyone now that the future of stand-alone TV shows for Luke Cage and Iron Fist are over. But while the respective characters are finished independently, what about a partnership? Is it possible we’ll get to see the Heroes for Hire show on Netflix? Let’s discuss the possibility of that happening.

So the past couple of weeks hasn’t been great for the Marvel TV-Verse on Netflix. A couple of weeks ago it was announced that Iron Fist was canceled indefinitely. Even more recently it was announced that Luke Cage had also been canceled. So what does this mean for the Immortal Iron Fist and the Hero of Harlem?

To pick up where their respective seasons left off, both characters were active in their respective shows. Luke Cage had become the owner of Harlem’s Paradise and subsequent “King’ of Harlem.” For Danny Rand, he passed the powers of the Iron Fist to his girlfriend Coleen Wing and left the USA with his adoptive brother to track down the black market seller that had sold the body of a dead Iron Fist. With both characters having their own respective character arcs yet to be concluded, why is it that their shows were canceled?

Just because both seasons were canceled does not mean we won’t see the return of either character. How you may ask? They could return in a repackaged show called Heroes for Hire.

What is Heroes for Hire?

The first official volume for ‘Heroes for Hire’ debuted back in the July 1997. But the very first incarnation of the partnership of  the street-level superheroes Iron Fist and Luke Cage was all the way back in December 1978 in issue #54 of Power Man and Iron Fist. The coming together came about after Iron Fist’s solo run came to an end due to poor sales and thus was partnered with Luke Cage.

Known as Heroes for Hire, INC. the superhero pair would take on work such as private I’s (Professional Investigators) and Protection Services (Bodyguards, Security). They were represented by the lawyer and business partner Jeryn Hogarth and started out with only one other employee, their secretary Jennie Royce.

Heroes such as Spiderman, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Ant-Man have all gone to work under the different iteration of “Heroes for Hire.”

Heroes For Hire Series Netflix

Different Comic Covers of ‘Heroes for Hire over the years. Copyright. Marvel Comics

How would Heroes for Hire fit into the Marvel TV-Verse?

Luke Cage and Iron Fist have already established characters within the TV-Verse. With that, it wouldn’t be a stretch to mold their respective stories to conclude with the creation of Heroes for Hire. There are already multiple characters within the shows that could help push this further. Jeryn Hogarth’s TV counterpart is Jeri Hogarth, she runs her own law firm after leaving her legal partners Chao and Benowitz.

Due to Danny’s fortune, he wouldn’t need an investment but Jeri could still become the lawyer/business partner of the organization. Alternatively, the narrative of the story could see Danny lose his fortune or willingly relinquish the money temporarily. Other members that could potentially join would be both Colleen Wing and Misty Knight who have both been members in the comics.

Jessica Jones has never been an official member, but if they are to go down the path of establishing the relationship between Jones and Cage then we could see her join the show part time or full time. This definitely will depend on how season three plays out for her show.

Daredevil could make an appearance but if they were to have all four appear under the same banner they may as well just call the series The Defenders and have that show continue instead.

Is there any news on a Heroes for Hire show?

There is currently no word on a show as of yet, but Finn Jones recently responded to the news of Luke Cage’s cancellation by uploading a picture on Instagram. Is this a show of solidarity for his friend Mike Colter? Or is this foreshadowing for things to come?


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Would you like to see a Heroes for Hire series? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jacob joined What's on Netflix in 2018 as a fulltime writer having worked in numerous other industries until that point. Jacob covers all things Netflix whether that's TV or movies but specializes in covering new anime and K-dramas. Resides in Norwich in the United Kingdom.