Bob’s Burgers – FOX
Canadians woke up on New Year’s Eve with the surprise that some big FOX shows have left the service. Here’s what shows left, why they left and where they’ll end up next.
FOX and Netflix’s relationship has been a little shaky in recent years and thanks to Disney buying it out, there’s likely going to be shakeups across the board.
Netflix Canada has been the streaming home of titles like Bob’s Burgers, New Girl, and Last Man Standing up until today, December 31st, 2018.
Here’s the full list of FOX shows that have left Netflix today:
- Seven seasons of Bob’s Burgers
- Six seasons of New Girl
- Three seasons of The Last Man on Earth
- One season of Last Man Standing
- Two seasons of Rosewood
What FOX shows remain on Netflix Canada?
Quite a few FOX shows remain on Netflix. Family Guy is still on the service and actually got an update with the sixteenth season being dropped onto Netflix on September 1st.
We’re not currently tracking any further removals Netflix Canada from FOX at the moment and likewise, FX titles remain on the service.
Where will these titles now stream in Canada?
There’s been no new home announced for the titles listed above. Most FOX shows, new and old don’t reside on any streaming service up in Canada but we’ll be sure to update you once we hear more.
How does this affect Netflix US?
These titles leaving Netflix in Canada will have no effect on Netflix in the United States as the US has already lost most to all series from Fox. The only series that has yet to leave Netflix US is New Girl but today’s removal from CA could signify it’s ending is near on Netflix US too.
Are you sad to see the likes of Last Man Standing, Bob’s Burgers and New Girl leave Netflix? Let us know in the comments.