‘Cable Girls’ Season 5: Netflix Release & What We Know So Far

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Cable Girls Season Netflix Release Schedule

Cable Girls – Picture: Netflix

Cable Girls is returning for a fifth and final season in 2020. Looking for the latest on Cable Girls (or as it’s known in Spain, Las chicas del cable) season 5 including when it’ll release, what to expect and more? Let’s fill you in.

The series is set to come to an end for its fifth season. Cable Girls has been on Netflix since 2017 and was one of the first full Netflix Originals from the region.

The period drama (which has since been joined by High Seas) is about a group of girls living in Madrid in the early 20th century. It features them in their place of work which is a switchboard in a telecommunications company.

The most recent season, season 4, joined Netflix in August 2019.

What to expect from Cabe Girls season 5

At the end of season 4, the date was September 1931 roughly a year after the explosion and the new regime being installed. Thanks to Dize Minutos, we know that season 5 fast forwards several years and takes place between 1936 and 1939.

Thanks to a press release we know roughly what we can expect story-wise going into season 5.

In this last season and after the tragic and painful death of Angels, one of the hardest episodes in their lives, the girls take very different paths towards what seemed like a promising future. The Spain they knew is divided into two sides, and after years of struggle and progress towards equality, freedom is being lost in a Civil War that will change their destiny, as well as those of their families and those of the new characters that will appear to turn everything upside down. The rights obtained in the democratic period will disappear, women will be expelled from the labour market, and all the girls will find themselves against the ropes.

Despite the difficulties, their lives are destined to intersect and they will have to remain together to face whatever comes ahead. One thing is clear: their friendship will always be above anything else. In a divided society, “Either all or none” will be the motto that will guide their fight for their lost freedom, and that will prove that the most important thing is to have your friends close, because this group of friends would give even their lives to save each other.

Cast members returning for season 5 of Cable Girls

Thanks to Diez Minutos we know of quite a few of the cast members returning.

Returning members include Lidia Aguilar, Ana Fernández, Nadia de Santiago and Ana Polvorosa.

Maggie Civantos will not return in any form for season 5.

When will season 5 of Cable Girls be on Netflix?

Season 5 is set to be the last season as we now know. However, Netflix is set to split the season into two halves.

It’s been confirmed that season 5 of Cable Girls is set to release on Netflix in February 2020. To be precise the first half of season 5 will release on February 14th on Netflix around the world.

Season 5 part 2 will also air at some point in 2020 although an official release date has yet to be announced.

Are you looking forward to the final of Cable Girls on Netflix? Let us know in the comments.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.