‘Better Than Us’ Season 1: First Russian Original, Netflix Release Date, Plot, Cast and Trailer

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Better Than Us Russian Original Season

Better Than Us – Copyright. BYW Group

As Netflix moves deeper and deeper into the global market, the streaming service’s next stop is Russia. With the addition of Better Than Us marks the very first Russian Original for Netflix. We have everything you need to know on Better Than Us including the Netflix release date, plot, cast & trailer.

Better Than Us is a Russian Netflix Original sci-fi series created by Andrey Junkovsky. The series is the very first Russian Original licensed by Netflix.

What is the plot for Better Than Us?

In the not too distant future Robots are apart of day to day life. Attending to the needs of their human masters, the robots perform duties such as personal drivers, raise children, security and even lovers. In the eyes of the public, most “Bots” are considered to be soulless and lifeless machines only good for the work they are programmed to do. Unbeknownst to the humans many of the robots have learnt how to emote and can think and feel empathy.

Arisa, the latest model of a new generation of robots is one of the most advanced yet. Far more powerful than anyone could have expected, Arisa’s intelligence goes far beyond the mind of a human. After Arisa murders, an employee of CRONOS, the corporation, the authorities and even terrorists begin hunting her. Hiding in plain sight, Arisa joins a dysfunctional family.

Who is in the cast of Better Than Us?

The following cast members have been confirmed for Better Than Us:

Role Character Description Cast Member Where Have I Seen/Heard Them Before?
Arisa Empathic bot of the new generation Paulina Andreeva The Method | Dar World 2: Equilibrium | Sarancha
Gregory N. Safronov Pathologist, former surgeon, father of Egor and Sonya Kirill Kyaro Nyukhach | Liquidation
Viktor Toropov Head of CRONOS Corporation Aleksandr Ustyugov Mentovskie voyny
Alla Safronova Georgy’s ex-wife Olga Lomonosova Kobra. Antiterror | Dvazhdy v odnu reku
Yegor Safronova Georgy’s and Alla’s son Eldar Kalimulin 14+ | So dna vershiny | The Search
Sonya Safronova Georgy’s and Alla’s daughter Vita Kornienko Ikariya | Severnoe siyanie | Spacewalk
Bars A barman in the club “Liquidators” , Zhanna’s brother Aleksandr Kuznetsov Bolshaya poeziya | Why Don’t You Just Die! | Kotyol
Zhanna Barseneva A waitress in the “Liquidators” Club , Bars’s sister Vera Panfilova Gulyay, Vasya! | Yolki 1914 | Startap
Gleb Specialist for special assignments of the company CRONOS Fedor Lavrov Paper Soldier | 977 | Malchiki + Devochki = |
Alexey Stepanovich Losev Head of the State Duma Committee on Cyber Security, father of Svetlana Toropova Sergey Sosnovsky Metro | To Live! | Odin vdokh
Igor Maslovsky Technical Director in CRONOS Corporation Pavel Vorozhtsov Liquidation | Break Loose | The Fidelity
Svetlana Toropova Victor’s wife Irina Tarannik Rain in May | A Picture to Remember | Stroyka
Anatoly Svetov Head of the police department on fighting cybercrime Sergey Kolesnikov A Good Day to Die Hard | Black Sea | Tolko vdvoyom
Pavel Borisovich Varlamov An investigator in the cybercrime department, a former employee of the slaughter department Kirill Polukhin Spacewalk | The Major | The Alien Girl

Are there any images or stills for Better Than Us?

As Better Than Us is licensed by Netflix, there is already plenty of still and images for the series:

All images are courtesy of BYW Group.

How many episodes will Better Than Us debut?

The first season will arrive with eight episodes.

What are the episode run times?

Each episode is approximately 45 minutes long.

Will an English dub be available?

Going by trailer below, an English dub will definitely be available to subscribers. We recommend subscribers watch the series in the show’s native Russian tongue and use English subtitles instead.

When is the release date for Better Than Us?

Better Than Us arrives on the 16th of August!

Will Better Than Us be available in my region?

The only region not receiving Better Than Us is Russia. The sci-fi will be acknowledged as an original for the rest of the regions with Netflix.

What time will Green Frontier be on Netflix?

The following table below are the times that Better Than Us will be available to stream in the different regions across the world:

Time Zone Time available to stream
Pacific Standard Time 12:00 AM
Mountain Standard Time 1:00 AM
Central Standard Time 2:00 AM
Eastern Standard Time 3:00 AM
British Summer Time 8:00 AM
Central European Time 9:00 AM
Eastern European Time 10:00 AM
India Standard Time 12:30 PM
Japan Standard Time 16:00 PM
Australian Eastern Time 18:00 PM
New Zealand Day Light Time 20:00 PM

Netflix releases all of its latest titles from Midnight PST (Pacific Standard Time). This means that anyone living in regions on the other side of the world has to wait until the evening before titles are available to stream.

When will the second season be coming to Netflix?

There is a second season of Better Than Us, but it’s unclear when it will be coming to Netflix.

Due to the lack of information online, we’re not even sure it has aired in Russia yet.

Are you looking forward to the release of Better Than Us? Let us know in the comments below.

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Jacob joined What's on Netflix in 2018 as a fulltime writer having worked in numerous other industries until that point. Jacob covers all things Netflix whether that's TV or movies but specializes in covering new anime and K-dramas. Resides in Norwich in the United Kingdom.