The Orville – Copyright Fox
The Orville is back on Fox for its second season and if you’re looking for seasons one or two of The Orville on Netflix you’re probably going to be out of luck, regardless of where you live. Here are the reasons why the show isn’t on Netflix and whether it ever will be in the future.
Seth MacFarlane is the comedy genius behind some of the biggest adult toons of the 21st century. The creator of Family Guy has always looked at doing a parody of Star Trek and finally got his dream to become reality when Fox greenlit the space comedy.
Reviews for the second outing have surpassed reviews for the first with one of the best reviews calling it “an understated, character-driven second season”.
The Orville looks like a mix between Red Dwarf and Star Trek and contains plenty of classic MacFarlane comedy. The plot consists of MacFarlane’s character being declared the captain of the U.S.S Orville that sets off 400 years into the future.
Now, let’s look at the show’s streaming plans and figure out whether it’ll be on Netflix.
Will The Orville be on Netflix US?
Sadly, the show won’t ever be coming to Netflix US.
Until 2017 Netflix would have been in for the running to stream the show. But thanks to Fox and Netflix failing to renegotiate their contract, all past and future Fox shows won’t be on Netflix.
Add to that Disney now owns Fox and the two companies appear to be throwing all of their efforts into Hulu and Disney+, their new streaming venture. The reality of it coming to Netflix is remote.
This means you have two options for streaming the show. If you’re caught up and want a catch-up service, Fox has an app. The best location to watch The Orville in the US, however, is on Hulu which has past episodes and gets new episodes weekly.
The Orville is only available on Hulu
Will The Orville seasons 1 and 2 be on Netflix UK?
In the UK, watching The Orville is a bit of a pain. The first season isn’t streaming anywhere but the show does air on Fox and then arrives weekly onto NowTV. It’s consistently a few weeks behind meaning it’s not a great location to watch the show, but it is the only option.
Could this ever change?
It’s unlikely. With Fox’s new direction under the wing of Disney, it’s clear the networks are looking to go head-to-head with Netflix.
Would you like to see Seth MacFarlane’s latest outing on Netflix? Let us know in the comments below.