A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1: Everything We Know

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A Series Of Unforuntate Events Season 1 Latest

One of 2016’s most anticipated Netflix Originals yet highly secretive Netflix Original is the A Series Of Unfortunate Events which is making the jump from the books onto our Netflix subscriptions for the first season sometime this year. 

For many, the books were a staple of their childhoods with the story lines being such a page turner. The premise of the show is unlike anything else out there for children given that it’s mostly surrounded by loss, tragedy and disaster.

The books did see a theatrical release starring Jim Carrey but most fans of the series have written that off and are instead looking forward to the Netflix series. There’s a lot of hype surrounding this title and a lot of unknown so we’re going to go through every scrap of information we have so far on the series.

A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1: Production

There’s a lot of production notes that you need to know about for A Series of Unfortunate Events but we’re going to summarize them here:

  • The production is mainly taking place in Vancouver
  • Filming began in March 2016
  • The series is being produced for Netflix by Paramount TV
  • The runtime of each episode will be 50 minutes long
  • Lemony Snicket has given it his personal approval citing the show will follower a darker direction like the books

A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1 Casting

Let’s kick off with the person who has the biggest burden to carry with the show and that is of course the actor who is going to play Count Olaf. It’s been confirmed after lengthy contract negotiations that Neil Patrick Harris is taking the role of Count Olaf. The actor who’s best known for his role as Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother has already faced some criticism for accepting the role but all judgement has to be held for when the show launches.

Casting for the other roles have also been confirmed

  • Malina Weissman who recently played young Kara on Supergirl has been confirmed to play Violet Baudelaire.
  • Louis Hynes will be playing Klaus Baudelaire and this will be his debut role.
  • Aasif Mandvi who’s been on comedy central for most of his career but also is known for his comedy roles in movies will be playing Dr. Montgomery Montgomery or Uncle Monty.
  • K. Todd Freeman who has starred in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (movie) and The Dark Knight is playing Mr. Poe.
  • Patrick Warburton is most known for his voice talent on Family Guy and will be playing Lemony Snicket himself
  • Matty Cardarople who has had roles in New Girl and Selfie will be playing a Henchperson of Indetermined Gender

Actors to play Arthur Poe and a few other characters are yet to be named.

‘That Trailer’

Many consider it to be a coincidence that this trailer popped up mysteriously on YouTube back in July 2015 and with nobody confirming whether it’s real or not, we’re left to find out for ourselves. If the show is half as good as what this trailer manages to capture, we’re in for a real treat.

A Series of Unfortunate Events Season 1 Release Date

Although most outlets, including Netflix, are just stating 2016, we’re willing to predict that it may be more targeted to a Christmas launch. Looking ahead, there isn’t really that much that will be really pushing the fall lineup other than the Marvel series for Luke Cage and the previous fall lineup title, Marco Polo has been pushed forward to a July 2016 release date. We suspect that you’ll be getting season 1 of A Series of Unfortunate Events between September 2016-December 2016 but later is more likely.