5 TV Shows on Netflix Like Suits

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Similar To Suits Netflix

Suits, sadly, isn’t part of the Netflix lineup, at least not in the US. Fortunately, Netflix does have some very similar shows to Suits currently streaming on the service and we’re going to pick out the best five available.

The show has enjoyed an increased spotlight in the past year thanks to one of the key actresses now scheduled to join public life as

For those in the United Kingdom, the second half of season 7 is about to start airing on Netflix weekly with all previously released seasons also available too.

What exactly are we looking for? We’re looking for shows with strong business or politically focused drama. We’re looking for those shows with whit, personality and

White Collar

Seasons Available: 6

White Collar

White Collar is the closest example we can get to when comparing to Suits. Starring Matt Bomer, this stylish and smart, yet simple show is a must watch for anyone who wants quality writing. Six seasons of the show are available and it gets much better as the season progresses.

The series follows a con-man who has flipped is now helping the FBI catch various criminals.

Be warned though, we’re expecting White Collar to leave Netflix at some point in 2018.

Mad Men

Seasons Available: 7

Mad Men

Set in a business environment much like Suits, Mad Men rolls back the clock and takes us back to 1960’s in New York City in an advertising company. It’s crazy the number of comparisons you can make between the two shows and really shows you that after many decades have passed, much of big business is still the same.

House of Cards

Seasons Available: 5

House Of Cards

As you will know, much of Mike Ross’s story is about him driving to the top of his game despite having the odds stacked against him. The same can be said for Frank Underwood, the ruthless politician who rather than taking the easier option, chooses to do whatever it takes to get his way to the top.

The series has a different light on it since recent allegations against the shows main star but is still a wonderful series nevertheless.

The West Wing

Seasons Available: 7

The West Wing

Keeping with the political theme, as there are many comparisons you can make between the two areas, we’re moving to The West Wing. The other obvious comparisons is the fantastic writing that both shows shine through, plus you’ve also got to consider how influential it is too.


Seasons Available: 1


We’re surprised to see Reckless still streaming on Netflix given that it was cancelled back in 2014 after only one season, but it’s still an obvious watch for fans of Suits. The legal drama is perhaps a little more serious than Suits, but still has many comparisons with the series.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.