Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi – Picture: Disney
The final Disney removal of 2019 is coming up with the removal of Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi from Netflix in the United States and Canada around Christmas time. Here’s why it’s leaving, its history on Netflix, where it’s heading and a look at when the final Star Wars movie is set to leave Netflix.
Let’s start off with the most important detail, the date when episode 8 of Star Wars will be leaving Netflix.
Star Wars: Episode 8 The Last Jedi will be departing Netflix in the United States and Canada on December 26th, 2019.
The second movie in the new trilogy spearheaded by Disney received generally positive reviews from the get-go but visually is stunning and features some fantastic set pieces.
Why is Star Wars The Last Jedi leaving Netflix?
Episode 8 came to Netflix as part of the Netflix-Disney deal between 2016 and 2019 which saw every new Disney theatrical release come to Netflix. It arrived on Netflix on June 26th, 2019.
All Disney titles that come to Netflix via this deal only stay on Netflix for a year and a half before being removed. They will return later in the decade, however.
Star Wars as a franchise will only have one title left with the Han Solo spinoff movie going into 2020. The Clone Wars movies and series was removed from Netflix in April. Rogue One departed from Netflix in January 2019.
Where is The Last Jedi streaming next?
As you’ve probably guessed by now, Star Wars is being taken back for the upcoming Disney+ streaming service. That’s where Episode 8 will stream next.
As we mentioned above, it’s the final Disney removal of the year with another big Marvel title lined up to be removed in December too. We’re referring to Thor: Ragnarok which will leave Netflix in early December.
Next year, we’ll see the remaining Disney movies such as The Incredibles 2, Mary Poppins Returns, the aforementioned Solo, Black Panther, and Avengers leave.