Polar: Netflix Release Date, Plot, Cast & Trailer

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Polar Netflix Film Mads Mikkelsen

Hannibal + Snake + John Wick = Mads Mikkelson as The Black Kaiser in the upcoming Netflix film Polar. Arriving later this month, here is everything you need to know about Polar’s imminent release.

Polar is an upcoming Netflix film based on the webcomic series of the same name created by Victor Santos. The popular webcomic series originally had no dialogue and the story was emphasized in the detail of its art. The dialogue was later added in when Dark Horse comics adapted the webcomic into graphic novels. There are five novels in total with the fifth set to be released in April of this year.

What is the plot of Polar?

Retired assassin Duncan Vizla A.K.A The Black Kaiser is forced out of his peaceful retirement when attempts on his life are made. Hunted by younger and hungrier assassins, the Black Kaiser must use all of his fearsome skill to survive and to prove why he is still the greatest assassin the world has ever seen.

Polar will be centered around the story of the first novel Came from the Cold.

Polar Netflix Film Came From The Cold

The cover of the first graphic novel – Copyright Victor Santos and Dark Horse Comics

Who is in the cast of Polar?

Some recognizable names have been cast in prominent roles for the movie.

Role Actor/Actress Where have I seen/heard them before?
Kaiser Black Mads Mikkelsen James Bond, Dr. Strange, Hannibal
Camille Vanessa Hudgens High School Musical, Beastly, Spring Breakers
TBA Kathryn Winnick Vikings, 50 First Dates, The Dark Tower
TBA Matt Lucas Little Britain, Bridesmaids, Alice in Wonderland
Karl Robert Maillet Sherlock Holmes, Pacific Rim, 300
Sindy Ruby O. Fee As We Were Dreaming, Zazy, Clone
Hilde Fei Ren Lucifer, Supernatural, The Romeo Section
Ginny Nia Roam Boys vs. Girls, Mean Queen, Good Witch
Regina Inga Cadranel Killshot, Orphan Black, The Bridge

Has DeadMau5 provided the score for Polar?

Yes! Deadmau5 has provided the entire score to the film. We can expect some amazing moments through the film where the music and the graphic moments will blend perfectly.

Images from Polar


What regions will be streaming Polar?

Polar will be available to stream to subscribers worldwide!

Is there a trailer for Polar?

Yes! Netflix just recently released a trailer for Polar. We cannot wait to watch this after viewing the trailer!

When is the Netflix release date for Polar?

Polar will be available to stream on Netflix from the 25th of January.

Will there be a sequel to Polar?

That all depends on how well the film is received upon release. But considering there are three additional volumes from the graphic novels for Netflix to adapt there is a definite chance we could see more Polar.

The following sequel titles to Polar are as follows:

  • Eye for an Eye
  • No Mercy for Sister Maria
  • The Kaiser Falls

Are you going to be watching Polar? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jacob joined What's on Netflix in 2018 as a fulltime writer having worked in numerous other industries until that point. Jacob covers all things Netflix whether that's TV or movies but specializes in covering new anime and K-dramas. Resides in Norwich in the United Kingdom.