Netflix Originals Coming to Netflix in March 2016

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Netflix Originals March 2016 1

It’s been fairly quiet for the past couple of months with regards to Netflix Originals. There have been plenty of announcements but not that many releases. March 2016 is the first real big blockbuster month for the streaming service with two returning series that are sure to pique your interest. A couple of comebacks from the 80s and a truly unique documentary coming towards the end of the month are sure to keep you entertained.

We’ve also got a British comedian joining the service and a new experimental show featuring many up-and-coming comedians. Variety is the spice of life, and Netflix has that in spades this month.

So here’s every Netflix Original coming in March 2016 in order of release date.

House of Cards (Season 4)

Release Date : March 4th

House Of Cards Season 4

Netflix’s biggest original returns were in March for its fourth season, but not its last. The series follows Frank Underwood as he bends the US political system once again to its limit to get whatever he wants. Season 3 ended on dramatic terms between Frank and his wife Claire, and season 4 is about the campaign season.

The show is by far one of the best-produced series of all time and is really the stand-out leader among the Netflix Originals. Season 5 has been announced, meaning there’s even more reason to watch House of Cards next month.

Netflix Presents: The Characters (Season 1)

Release Date : March 11th

The Characters Netflix Original

This is an original you won’t have heard of. You won’t have heard many of the cast members on this comedy series either, and that’s kind of the point. Netflix has recruited lots of up-and-coming comedians to appear in a sketch show format where they play the roles of lots of different characters.

They’ve essentially been given free reign to do whatever they want here, and that’s an exciting concept. The Characters comes after Netflix’s somewhat successful attempt at sketch comedy with W/ Bob and David that premiered towards the end of last year.

Flaked (Season 1)

Release Date : March 11th

Flaked Season 1

Here’s a checklist to see whether you’ll like Flaked or not. Do you like Will Arnett? Check. Do you like Arrested Development? Check. Do you like comedy? Check. If all three of those were a check for you too, then Flaked is going to be right up your alley when it releases on March 11th. The upcoming original has been tightly under wraps for some time now, with no official artwork or trailers being released, but what we do know is that it’s being produced by the genius behind Arrested Development, Mitch Hurwitz, and for that reason alone, this is worthy of your interest.

Popples (Season 2)

Release Date : March 11th

Popples Netflix

If you were about in the 80’s you may remember Popples. For those who weren’t, they’re small stuffed toys produced from 1986 and 1988 and the characters even spawned a television series in 1986 too. Fast forward a bit, a failed attempt to resurrect the toy in 2008 and it wasn’t until Netflix decided to give the toy a show that its return has been fruitful.

This joins a number of Netflix Original series based upon toys and other toy figures from yesteryear. Popples season 1 came in 2015, and we’ve got our sights on the next season, which premieres in March.

Jimmy Car Funny Business (Stand-up Special)

Release Date : March 18th

Jimmy Carr Funny Business Netflix

British comedian Jimmy Carr produced a show exclusively for Netflix last year as part of his UK-wide tour. It joins many stand-up comics presenting exclusive shows just for Netflix but joins one of the very few from the United Kingdom, and that’s a really good thing. Stand-up comedy is huge in the UK, and fewer comedians have the reputation of Jimmy Carr. His laugh alone will no doubt be worthy of a watch.

Marvel’s Daredevil (Season 2)

Release Date : March 18th

Daredevil Season 2 Netflix March 2016

This will no doubt be most peoples highlight for March 2016. The Marvel series stormed onto Netflix last year and expectations have never been set higher for a show. We return once again to Hell’s Kitchen to follow the blind lawyer turned superhero to rid the city of evil. It follows the falls debut season of Jessica Jones and we really hope season 2 of Daredevil continues with the crossovers and even start setting us up for the Defenders which is right around the corner.

My Beautiful Broken Brain (Documentary)

Release Date : March 18th

My Beautiful Broken Brain

To join the increasing number of world-class documentaries streaming on Netflix is My Beautiful Broken Brain. It’ll tell the story of Lotje Sodderland after she suffered a stroke in 2011 causing her to loose some mental capacities but gain extraordinary side effects causing her to see sounds in different colors. She describes her life as a David Lynch movie (who coincidentally is working on this project with her) now and this documentary will try to show you what she sees.

Pee-wee’s Big Holiday (Movie)

Release Date : March 18th

Peewee Big Holiday Netflix Original

The second movie of 2016 releases towards the tail-end of March and it’s a big one. If you’ve never heard of Pee-wee, we suggest you get onto Netflix right now and watch his back catalog otherwise strap yourself in for a random and no doubt bonkers adventure with everyone’s favorite Pee-wee Herman. The movie has been produced exclusively for Netflix and will premiere on March 18th 2016.

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Founder of What's on Netflix, Kasey has been tracking the comings and goings of the Netflix library for over a decade. Covering everything from new movies, series and games from around the world, Kasey is in charge of breaking news, covering all the new additions now available on Netflix and what's coming next. Has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo and more.